I love today’s bouquet! It’s a classic style with a twist because it isn’t as buttoned up as I usually see Calla Lily bouquets. It’s a little wild, lush, and would look great in any wedding venue. Amanda reached out to me about her daughter-in-law’s bouquet, and I was excited to work with her to get it just right! This handtied style bridal bouquet is a mix of large white Calla Lilies, Eucalyptus and Ficus with a touch of twine wrapped around the stems. Let’s take a look at how it turned out in silk wedding flowers!
Photo of original bouquet provided by the bride.
“I wanted to let you know I received the flowers yesterday and they are gorgeous!!! You did a beautiful job and far surpassed my expectations. They look so real! Thank you so much. I can’t wait to give them to my daughter in law for Christmas. She is going to love them. ”
Photo of original bouquet provided by the bride.
I know Christmas is past, but it’s never too late to think about next Christmas and someone special who might love a bridal bouquet recreation in silk flowers. Read more about the process and reach out to me today!