Today’s bouquet recreation is a dramatic round handtied bouquet with draping Amaranthus! What a beauty! Laura sent me some photos of her beautiful bouquet in shades of red and burgundy and nude pink, and I was able to examine each photo for all the elements that needed to show up in her recreation. Let’s take a look at the recreation alongside some photos by Denis Gostev Photography.
Laura sent me the write up from her florist that listed red Mums, dark red Roses, burgundy Snapdragon, burgundy Amaranthus, champagne Sahara Roses, seeded Eucalyptus and gold painted Hypericum Berries. It was such a beautiful bouquet, full of drama and texture and richness!
“Such an amazing service! Erin did an amazing job at flawlessly replicating my wedding bouquet with silk flowers. She was very easy to work with as well. I highly recommend this to anyone who wants to re-experience the joy of their wedding bouquet!”
If you are looking to have your bouquet recreated for yourself or someone special, reach out to me today to find out if it can be done!