Kaitlin’s bridal bouquet was a show stopper. To recreate it, I needed to duplicate the same drama! Her bouquet was a mix of pink Roses, pink Dendrobium orchids, white Calla Lilies, Fern, Seeds, Pittosporum and Ruscus in a long tear drop cascade style bouquet. Let’s take a look at the side-by-side to see how the recreation in silk wedding flowers turned out!
Thanks to Stark Studio for the lovely images from Katilin’s big day!
“I absolutely love my recreation! I love flowers and was so sad to part with them after my wedding day. Now I’m able to feel those memories again each time I look at them. Erin did a fabulous job making my bouquet look just like the real one did on my wedding day! This was a first anniversary gift for me and I couldn’t have asked for something better!”
Can you believe this dress and this back drop and this bouquet and this bride?? All so stunning!
Did you love your bouquet so much you want to see it everyday? Read more about the process on the Bridal Bouquet Recreation page on my website and reach out to see how I can help!