Today’s beautiful bouquet recreation tells a great story of what it takes to get things just right! If you have a simple bouquet, it’s a pretty easy process. But if there is a variety of flowers and greens in the bouquet, it takes some hunting on my part. And if your wife had bridal photos before the big day and carried a bouquet, then it takes some sleuthing to figure out which bouquet to recreate! Rennie reached out to me with some photos of his wife’s bouquet, looking for an anniversary gift. As I scrolled back and forth between the photos, I realized there were two different bouquets! A few emails later and we had it worked out which bouquet I was to recreate. Let’s take a look at this beautiful white and hunter green bridal bouquet recreation in silk flowers!
This classic style bouquet was a mix of white Garden Roses, Tulips, Hydrangea, Larkspur, Hypericum Berries, Ruscus, Silver Dollar Eucalyptus, Eucalyptus Seeds and Cedar Greenery finished off with a deep green Velvet ribbon.
“Erin was a pleasure to work with! Very prompt responses and the final product was well worth the cost. Ordered a duplicate wedding bouquet as the original was not preserved properly. It now sits proudly on display in our home for us to look at every day!”
If you are looking for a unique and meaningful anniversary, birthday or just because gift, a bridal bouquet recreation in silk flowers could be just what you’re looking for. Read more about the process here!