Happy Wednesday! Today’s bouquet recreation share is a beautiful and classic style bridal bouquet recreation in silk flowers. Katie was such a gem to work with and provided me with some lovely photos of her bouquet, taken by the very talented Caitlin Sullivan. Contact Caitlin if you are looking for a photographer in the Indianapolis area. Let’s take a look at Katie’s bouquet!
Recreation Bouquet
Original Bouquet
This stunning white and green bouquet is a mix of Lilies, Roses, Baby’s Breath, Ruscus, Pittosporum and green Hypericum berries. It was a nice full bouquet in a round handtied style.
The bouquet was tied off with a simple white satin ribbon which was an easy detail to add to the recreation.
“You did a phenomenal job! I truly love them and have them proudly displayed :)”
I just loved these pictures of Katie and her parents so I thought why not include more of Caitlin’s amazing work? This day was obviously a very special one, which is why a custom bridal bouquet recreation in silk flowers is the perfect momento to honor that day.
If you are looking for a way to remember your wedding day or want to surprise a loved one with a bouquet recreation for an upcoming anniversary, birthday or other holiday, contact me today to find out more.