Yellow and White Silk Bridal Bouquet Recreation

Today’s reveal is a bridal bouquet recreation in silk flowers from Jolyn. She contacted me about recreating her bouquet. They had tried to preserve it, but after “8 years and 3 moves” it didn’t hold up as well as they’d hoped. Here’s a side-by-side comparison of the recreation and Jolyn’s original bouquet.


Made of white Garden and Spray Roses, white Stephanotis, yellow Garden Roses and soft yellow Lilies, Jolyn’s bouquet was a classic round handtied style bouquet.

This is perfect! I’m so very happy to have this beautiful and lasting reproduction of my wedding bouquet! Thank you so very much - you did an excellent job and so quickly!!
— Jolyn | Colorado

The original bouquet was photographed by Cody Conrad Photography out of Tucson, AZ.

If your bouquet didn’t survive life and all that it entails, contact me today about a bridal bouquet recreation in silk flowers.