I am excited to start off this blog to coincide with my launch of my freshly expanded website. It has been a really great Spring so far, and I am excited about the buzz my business is generating. I am honored that you are checking things out and I am eager to help you design the flowers for your perfect wedding!
I want to say a special hello to the 4 new brides that decided to have me design their flowers in the last week. Can't wait to see what we come up with together!
I have to give credit for the artsy header to my good friends the Niebelings. They were good sports while I dragged them around a local park looking for the perfect shot to let the flowers speak for themselves. Thanks you two!
I have to say, I've been putting off doing this for a while, but I have a renewed vigor for blogging lately. In the past, I've seen great articles on wedding trends, flowers, and other interesting design tidbits and thought, "Gee, that would be perfect to talk with my clients about." And now, I'm here, I'm ready, I'm doing it.
My hope for this blog is to make more information accessible to my clients, post progress updates and pictures, have a venue for feedback, and just a fun place to delve deeper into the world of wedding flower design!
I love hearing your comments, so please feel free to interact with my posts. It's easy to subscribe, and any and all questions are welcome! And please keep checking back for exciting things to come!