When I received Trisha's Free Bride's Checklist, I instantly got an idea of what she hoped for in her silk wedding flowers. Her colors were slate blue, charcoal grey, and ivory with burlap accents. She left the comment that she wasn't look for anything, "too fancy," and she liked an "earthy and natural," look. If you spend any time on Pinterest, then you've probably noticed the greenery trend. Mainly, that lots of bouquets have tons of greenery. It gives a lush feel to a bouquet, when done right. Trisha and I talked over email and decided that Seeded Eucalyptus and Lamb's Ear would be the perfect combination of lushness and softness.
Silk Bridal Bouquet
For the bridesmaids, we paired down the size, keeping the flowers the same. It kept the look cohesive but allowed the bridal bouquet to stand out.
Toss bouquet (left) and bridesmaid bouquet (right).
Wondering about that great slate blue color? I found that Delphinium and Thistle were a perfect match for Trisha's color scheme. The lamb's ear brought in a touch of gray without really going the whole nine yards. And you can't go wrong with Roses! Tie it all off with some burlap and lace and you've got yourself rustic and romantic all in one package. Like what you see? Send in a Free Bride's Checklist to get a quote on silk wedding flowers.