Silk Wedding Flowers and Bouquets Online | Love Is Blooming

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Why the Details Matter in Silk Bridal Bouquets

When I get asked to do a custom bridal bouquet recreation in silk flowers, one thing I know to be true: the details matter! You are talking about an important piece of someone’s memory of their wedding day. It’s important to get it right!

So whether it’s the lace overlay with pearl pins spaced out just so…

Or adjusting the Silver Dollar Eucalyptus to match the cascading shape of the original bouquet…

Or getting that sheer satin bow with just the right amount of floofiness…

I understand that the details matter, to you, to her, to the memory of your wedding day. If you’ve got a bouquet with some extra special details, contact me today to find out how to have it recreated in time for you special celebration.